Placeholder Title

The 2021 National Deaf-Blind Child Count Report provides an annual “snapshot” of children and youth with deaf-blindness in the United States, including

  • Demographic data
  • The types and severity of vision and hearing losses
  • Causes of deaf-blindness and the types and prevalence of additional disabilities
  • Comparisons with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part B and Part C annual child counts
  • Educational settings and services
  • Living settings
  • Part B and Part C exiting status information

Annual National Deaf-Blind Child Count reports provide critical information to guide technical assistance, personnel preparation, scholarship, and research related to deaf-blindness in children and youth.

Published 2022 by National Center on Deaf-Blindness

Suggested citation: National Center on Deaf-Blindness. (2022). 2021 National deaf-blind child count.

Reports from previous years can be accessed from the NCDB National Child Count page.